Permit To Work Signatories (PTWS)

Affiliation: PDO
Duration: 2 days

Course Aim:


Course Content:

  • Promote a thorough knowledge & understanding of the PTW System, its scope and objectives.   
  • Confirm delegates are able to identify hazards and carry out risk assessment procedures.   
  • Using a role play, have delegates participate in a step-by-step flow through the operation of the PTW system. 
  • Ensure delegates are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their competence to function as a PTW signatory. 

Course Overview

The program designed to provide the knowledge and understanding of the PTW procedure to enable delegates to competently carry out the role of a signatory and to cover the following; 

  1. Carrying out hazard identification and the risk assessment process.  
  2. The PTW System, its scope and objectives. 
  3. Work that needs a permit, who produces and signs it, when, where and for what activities. 
  4. Roles and Responsibilities of persons who sign permit documents. 
  5. A step-by-step flow through how the PTW system operates. 
  6. Control of isolations, the work tracking system and PTW system certificates. 

Hazard management, job safety plans, TRIC cards and toolbox talks. 

Who Should Attend?

Who will fulfill a role within the Permit to Work System as a permit applicant, area authority or responsible Supervisors .

Pre- Requisites
