Our digital learning platform accommodates a broad spectrum of learning practices, including face-to-face, blended & virtual learning, e-learning and online learning

Our digital learning platform accommodates a broad spectrum of learning practices, including face-to-face, blended & virtual learning, e-learning and online learning

A new era for learning at the workplace

We recognise that the learning industry has undergone significant changes that have upended the status quo. The forces of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are challenging our core learning technology stack, the skills of teams, the development “contract” between an organisation and employees, and the interaction with the learners and leaders.

We provide a complete solution based on a leading digital platform – a customisable learning management system that manages training effectively across the whole organisation. Our platform ensures that our client’s learning programmes are designed with a blended approach.

It enables successful, human-centred teaching and training experiences. Whether clients choose our virtual classroom, the hybrid one or the active learning solutions, we support interactive learning, meaningful connections and data-driven results.

The Knowledge Grid digital offering includes:

  • Live Online Classrooms
  • E-Learning Services
  • Curated Online Content
  • Learning Management System (full functionality)

We have partnered with The Boiler Room for innovative visual learning and digital production solutions across all industries. Internationally recognised, they have been delivering award-winning animation, XR & VR learning and simulation solutions for over 20 years.


Virtual Reality
