NORMA Awareness (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)

Affiliation: PDO
Duration: 1 days

Course Aim:

The course designed to provide PDO and PDO contractor supervisors awareness, knowledge and understanding of NORM in the oil and gas industry, and the PDO requirements associated with it, so that the safety and health of staff and the public are not compromised, and the environment is not harmed as well as the course cover the following; 

  1. SP1170 and NORM Guidelines 
  2. Define NORM, fixed scales, sludge and pigging waste including basic radiation theory 
  3. Health and Environmental risks – Who is at risk, how, when and why? 
  4. Precautionary Principle; maintenance and well servicing activities that must include NORM monitoring using the approved meters 
  5. Practical demonstration of which, when, how to use the NORM meters and their limitations 
  6. Controls to implement if NORM is identified to mitigate the risk, e.g. PPE, Hygiene, Plastic wrapping of contaminated equipment 
  7. Disposal of NORM contaminated equipment and sludge to the Bahja NORM Yard 
  8. Relevant NORM documentation and Permit to Work 
  9. Reporting NORM results e.g. EDM or Production Station Spreadsheets 
  10. NORM monitoring video. 
  11. Collecting a representative sample of sludge 
  12. Stepping through specific activities e.g. tank cleaning (MSE.14), Well servicing (MSE.24), Pigging (MSE.15) and Maintenance activities in production stations (EMC) or outside stations such as MSV’s and flowlines (ODC) 

Course Content:

  • Define what is NORM and the risk during maintenance activities .
  • Explain where NORM may deposit, the precautionary principle and basic monitoring .
  • Precautions to follow if NORM is identified above the Company limits 

Course Overview

The course designed to provide awareness and define NORM, where it occurs, hazards and controls to mitigate risk and by completion of the program delegates must be aware of ; 

  1. NORM SP1170 definitions 
  2. Basic radiation theory 
  3. Health and Environmental risks – Who is at risk, how, when and why? 
  4. Precautionary principle associated with certain maintenance and well servicing activities that must include monitoring for NORM using approved meters. 
  5. NORM controls to mitigate the risk, e.g. PPE, Hygiene and Time, Distance, Shielding. 
  6. Disposal arrangements for NORM contaminated equipment and sludge to the Bahja NORM Yard. 


Who Should Attend?

Production Supervisors / Operators, Maintenance Coordinators/Supervisors, Pigging contractor supervisors, tank/separator cleaning contractor supervisors, Well Service (Rig/Hoist) Managers/Drillers, EMC Contractor maintenance supervisors and ODC Contractor maintenance supervisors, NORM Yard and WTF Yard Supervisors, other supervisors working with potential NORM contaminated equipment or material. Personnel who will perform maintenance or servicing activities on equipment that has conveyed or stored production fluids (oil, water or gas)