RTITB Mobile Crane

Affiliation: RTITB
Duration: 5 days

Course Aim:

The scope of this training course is primarily concerned with operation of a Mobile Crane 

By the end of this course, candidates will be able to demonstrate: 

  1. Safe and efficient operation of a Mobile Crane within the workplace, including their duties under Health and Safety and the risks associated with machine use 
  2. Pre-use inspection, appropriate maintenance tasks and reporting processes. 
  3. Authorisation to operate arrangements. 


Course Content:

  • Induction to the course 
  • Health and Safety & relevant legislation Roles and responsibilities of personnel involved with lifting operations 
  • Introduction to the machine – including crane types, capabilities and limitations 
  • Controls and instruments 
  • Mobile Crane terminology 
  • Hydraulic Controls 
  • Duty charts/Lift plans/Site maps 
  • Rated Capacity Indicator and Safe Working Loads 
  • Load weight assessment, ground conditions and stability 
  • Signalling and Communication methods 
  • Emergency procedures 
  • Operation of the controls 
  • Preparing for lifting operations  
  • Preparing for adverse weather operation, weather information, determination of wind speed, crane operation in darkness, lights and impaired vision, poor visibility operations and radio controlled operations 
  • Setting of the crane after road use and stowing equipment in preparation for road use 
  • Basic Operations  
  • Manoeuvring of the hook  
  • Crane operation and lifting following a lifting plan 
  • Pre-use inspection 
  • Selection and use of attachments/slings 
  • Test Lift – including controlling load movement 
  • Handling loads at various heights – including Hoisting, slewing and derricking. 
  • Handling different type of loads 
  • Use of jibs/extension 
  • Use of additional counterbalance/ballast weight 
  • Course close 

Who Should Attend?



