Course Aim:
It is expected that learners attending this session will be able to perform calculations, and communicate and align to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) may comprise formal written documents or accepted practices in the organisation.
Course Objectives:
After completion of the course, the delegate will have an understanding of the following:
- Introduction to Accounting Data
- Balancing
- Processes
- Evaluation
Course Content:
- What it is, why we do it, what are the benefits, and what are the challenges.
- Reliability of data, collection methods, accounting variables and units.
- Metals balance, water balance, solids balance, calculations associated with metals balancing.
- Accounting for continuous processes, Stocks and inventory and batch processes.
- Plant yield, recoveries, head grades, calculating head grades and built-up head grades.
Target Audience:
Plant Supervisors, Metal accounting clerks, learner metallurgists.