Course Aim:
To enhance driver’s knowledge and skills for driving safely on blacktop roads within the Sultanate of Oman .
Course Content:
- To understand how poor driver attitude and behavior can lead to poor decision Making Behaviors that can lead to poor driving decisions.
- To understand the responsibilities of drivers and road users.
- Factors that can affect concentration.
- To be able to understand (discuss) the reasons why a pre-journey vehicle check is required.
- To be able to conduct a pre-journey vehicle check.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the risks associated with different driving environments.
- To understand the elements of a journey.
- Be able to demonstrate safe driving at work.
Who Should Attend?
All operators and contractor personnel required to drive Heavy vehicles in the performance of their work.
Pre- Requisites
- Valid Royal Oman police License .
- Minimum age 21 .
- 3 years light vehicle driving experience .
- HSE Passport or HSE induction certificate or HSE Orientation .
Underpinning knowledge Observation, Questions, Demonstration, Simulation, Practical