Course Aim:
To prepare staff who may be nominated, as individuals or as a member of a team, to investigate incidents or accidents.
Course Content:
- Confirmation, clarification and expansion of knowledge and understanding related to incident types, records, risk assessment matrix and the Bow-Tie concept previously gained on HSE Tools & Skills course.
- Sufficient knowledge and clarity concerning human factors in incident investigation.
- An awareness of Tripod Trees and the ability to prepare incident reports.
Course Overview
The program designed to prepare staff who may be nominated, as individuals or as a member of a team, to investigate incidents or accidents.
By completion of the program the delegates must be aware of ;
- Why investigate incidents? (including current Company statistics).
- Initial response to an incident
- Gathering initial facts from the scene and evidence preservation.
- Forming and effective investigation team and its terms of reference
- Investigation techniques and philosophies.
- Interviewing witnesses.
- Determining relevance of information.
- Following information leads.
- Validation of gathered evidence and corroboration.
- Determining human behaviour and motivators.
- Analysing the Management System and Procedures.
- Analysis of findings.
- Finding the reasons behind the cause(s).
- Determining sensible and SMART actions to learn from the incident.
- Preparation, review and publication of the report.
- Practical role play with case studies. (6 hours)
Who Should Attend?
PDO HSE Team Leads and Contractor HSE Advisers
PDO Contract Owners, Contract Holders and Contractor Managers & Supervisors, who may be required as part of their role to lead incident investigations.
Pre- Requisites
- (ORTS) HSE Orientation
- H2S (Interior based staff)
- Demonstrate an understanding of the ICAM incident investigation process from the establishment of critical factors, causational factors, immediate causes, underlying causes and latent management system failures.
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the connectivity between the different levels above and how each drill deeper into the management causations.
- Accurately, but in your own words, explain why it is important to establish underlying cause(s) and latent failures in relation to an incident, rather than just the immediate cause(s) and human factors they tend to indicate.
- Demonstrate, after role play and group work concerning a specific incident scenario, that you can prepare a clear and structured investigation report and presentation, that both include the key cause(s) and management system failures.
- Demonstrate, using your investigation report and presentation, that you can recognize and formulate SMART recommendations related to the investigation role play you have participated in.